Hi everyone, in this first post I will comment on a country that I would like to visit, why I would like to visit it, among other things.

There are many places and cultures that I would like to visit, but first of all I would like to know more about some Latin American countries. This is the case of Mexico. It is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world, with great cultural and social diversity, a great history, with several points in common with Chile. Mexico has an immense extension and different climates. I would like to know its people, its landscapes and customs. I would like to visit the popular neighborhoods, the most important archaeological sites, participate in celebrations, taste their typical foods, learn about the most important characters. I am very interested in the legacy of the Mayan civilization and its advances in astronomy, that was many centuries ahead other American cultures and even worldwide. The possibility of studying in Mexico or working there depends on how much more I know the country, but I do not rule it out, some of its universities are the best in Latin America.



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