There are many favorite movies that I could talk about, but if I had to pick one right now it's Arrival. The plot is about the arrival of gigantic alien ships that land in different parts of our planet, and how that incredible fact is handled by governments, with personal ramifications in the protagonists. Amy Adams's performance is great, the music is captivating, the cinematography is beautiful. It is directed by Denis Villeneuve, one of my favorite directors, who has directed other great films like Blade Runner 2049 or Sicario.


I like movies of various genres, but my favorite may be science fiction. However, films that explore the limits of the human experience, or that tell an interesting story, with a social charge, especially if it is based on real events, I like. The last movie I saw is Scarface, I had seen it several years ago and decided to watch it again. Great movie, totally recommended, very good performance by Al Pacino and the almost three hours that it lasts are not noticeable at all. Hopefully soon we can visit the cinemas safely.



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